17 september 2013

Google Think Digital en Master Academy #2 Dublin

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Eind oktober is SDIM  wederom te gast bij Google Dublin. Er worden een tweetal events georganiseerd waar we worden bijgepraat op de laatste ontwikkelingen, beta’s, cases. Eén en ander gecombineerd met inspiratiesessies door Google “big-wigs”. Google’s Think Digital wordt voorafgegaan door de Google Engage Master Academy en het programma lijkt veelbelovend.

Keynote: The new constantly connected world
Introducing the new audience – a participation generation

  • Why the future of your online marketing strategy is mobile
  • Bringing social media into the online marketing mix
  • You Tube: The migration of video consumption to online
  • The display advertising opportunity
  • Universal analytics – measuring success across all platforms
  • Google & You
  • The need to innovate & iterate
  • Innovation @ Google

Reaching the right user, at the right time and in the right context is key to maximising your performance and ROI in a multi device world. This training will cover optimising campaigns for desktop and mobile, using bid adjustments, automated bidding strategies and best practices.

A YouTube Video is a fun, powerful, and affordable way to bring your business to the world. Video ads are as effective as TV in building awareness of your business. And they get results – like an average 20% increase in traffic to your website. This session will cover how you can effectively benefit from this solution.

Where is my customer? Internet users spend 96% of their time navigating websites. This training will enable you to harness the full potential of Display by delivering the right message, at the right time to reach new customers.

Data is everywhere. Every day we collect it in many different ways and formats. But what does it really tell us? This session will help you structure and analyze your Analytics data to understand the story behind your website traffic.

Learn how to be discovered across the web with Google+ and how to engage with your audience.

This training will focus on Export insights, free tools and resources from Google to help you reach opportunities in new markets.

Het Google Engage Master Academy programma is nu nog een verrassing, maar ook daarvan verwachten we genoeg wederom genoeg nieuws. We zorgen dat we midden oktober hier een uitgebreid en inhoudelijk verslag brengen vanuit Dublin van beide events, dus stay tuned.


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